KH Bi-Annual Report December 2020

Since December 2019, Karinya House has been issuing Bi-Annual Reports to all of our primary Government, Corporate and Community Partners, outlining the significant aspects of the past six months, particularly as an additional way of ensuring a tangible sense of sharing in the service of Karinya House.  Our ACT Government Funding  partners do receive very detailed performance reports, and many of our special grant funding partners, also receive project reports and acquittals.  However the importance of communicating with significant investors in the work of Karinya House, became evident, particularly through the Costing Study we undertook in late 2019, with thanks to Chris Nightingale Consulting. This project was funded by the Prosser Foundation through a capacity building grant and we remain grateful, as the Costing Study results have been enlightening as well as a key part of the sustainability development work being undertaken by the Association.

With a significant proportion of our annual operating funding coming from our community, across Government, Corporate and Community Partners, as well as individuals and family donors, communicating with these key stakeholders who are our community and our village, is important.  We do seek to communicate through eNewsletters as well as bi-annual print Newsletters (for donors who still prefer the post!), it became apparent we needed an alternative way of communicating to all of our major funding partners, to develop the images of the purpose and outcomes of their investment.

Return on investment is hard to quantify and we are still working on this, and hope to be able to fund a more in-depth study with Chris, in regard to this key aspect of investment in Karinya House by all our stakeholders.  Every dollar does matter. Your donation does count.    The 2019 Costing Study report included many insightful comments with regard to the Return on Investment. One of the summary statements was:

It is also important to consider the long-term benefits for the families and ACT community from Karinya House’s support. The benefits for each mother, as well as the benefits from early interventions in the first 1,000 days of their children’s lives, are likely to be substantial over the longer term. These benefits are likely to be multiples of the initial investment in Karinya House supports.

Karinya House Costing Study – Final Report – 6 December 2019

Chris Nightingale Consulting

One way of communicating with our key stakeholders the impact of their investment in Karinya House is through the subsequently developed Bi-Annual Reports.  The latest Bi-Annual Report issued late January 2021, and covering the service period for 1 July to 31 December 2020, was emailed to all major funding partners.  This latest report is also being released to our supporter base through the February eNewsletter and future Bi-Annual Reports will be released this way moving forward. We do hope you find it insightful and you are able to see what a difference your funding/donation dollar makes. Thank you for walking alongside, with us, supporting women in our community.

KH Bi-Annual Report December 2020

 …….from a woman who spent time at Karinya recently

with her little boy, during a difficult and lonely patch, “My life changed positively since I joined Karinya

Extract from the KH Bi-Annual Report December 2020House… it is part of my family.”